"^0" could not be found on the DLS server. "^0" called you but gave up. You cannot call yourself. You cannot call "^0" because you have already called the maximum number of people at the same time. You cannot call "^0" because the current connection is not the same type as the new one. mtNoMediaComponentErr mtInvalidAddressErr mtInvalidMessageTypeErr mtInvalidMessageSizeErr mtMediaNotHandledErr mtMessageNotHandledErr mtInvalidDataLengthErr mtBadEndPointErr Cannot find "^0". Please check that the address is correct and try placing your call again later. mtDuplicateNameErr mtOperationAbandonedErr mtOutOfResourcesErr mtIncompatibleStateErr mtNoTransportErr "^0" is not answering. Try placing your call again later. "^0" is not available or your network connection may no longer be operating properly. Try placing your call again later. mtUnsupportedTransportErr mtUnsupportedNetworkErr The TCP/IP network connection is not properly configured. Please quit the application and check the network configuration. mtRenegotiatedErr mtVoxSuppressedErr mtStreamDisabledErr mtChunkTimedOutErr mtKeyFrameMissingErr mtChunkIncompleteErr mtNegotiationFailedErr The connection has been interrupted. Try placing your call again. "^0" is not answering. Try placing your call again later. mtCodecsIncompatibleErr mtNoActiveStreamsErr mtInvalidStreamIDErr mtPendingAsyncCallErr mtListenerHijackedErr mtUnknownWindowErr mtInformationNotAvailableErr mtDemonKaputErr You are already connected to "^0". mtNoSNMPAgentErr mtUnsupportedMessageErr mtNotDetachableErr mtModeErr Your version of QuickTime™ Conferencing is incompatible with the remote user's version. Please use compatible software versions. You cannot call "^0" because you're not configured to make that type of call. "^0" is not answering. Try placing your call again later. mtKilledErr